Meet the Board


WID MI's president, Karen Kiewski

Karen Kiewski

Systems X

Karen is the Director of Client Services at Systems X, executing IT strategies with her incredible wealth of knowledge and experience.

Alissa Roath

Vice President
National Advanced Mobility Consortium

Alissa is the CEO of NAMC, a member-led 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation that provides professional opportunities and connections that result in cutting-edge technology for the U.S. Military. 

Melissa Rood is the WID MI Treasurer

Melissa Rood


Melissa is a CFO Consultant at Rehmann. She brings over 25 years of progressive experience in accounting, finance, treasury and operations analysis.

Brittani Chambers Headshot

Brittani Chambers

General Dynamics Land Systems

Brittani is a  Sr. Engineering Communications Specialist. She facilitates cross functional teams for Leadership Development and Organizational Culture Improvements within General Dynamics Land Systems.

WID MI's president, Karen Kiewski

Karen Kiewski

Systems X

Karen is the Director of Client Services at Systems X, executing IT strategies with her incredible wealth of knowledge and experience.

Alissa Roath

Vice President
National Advanced Mobility Consortium

Alissa is the CEO of NAMC, a member-led 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation that provides professional opportunities and connections that result in cutting-edge technology for the U.S. Military. 

Melissa Rood is the WID MI Treasurer

Melissa Rood


Melissa is a CFO Consultant at Rehmann. She brings over 25 years of progressive experience in accounting, finance, treasury and operations analysis.

Brittani Chambers Headshot

Brittani Chambers

General Dynamics Land Systems

Brittani is a  Sr. Engineering Communications Specialist. She facilitates cross functional teams for Leadership Development and Organizational Culture Improvements within General Dynamics Land Systems.


Kim Bode

Director of Communications

Women in Defense Michigan's Aida Dismondy

Aida Dismondy

Director of Mentorship
Warner Norcross + Judd

Women in Defense Michigan's Debbie Holton

Debbie Holton

Director of STEM
Converge Consulting Group

Women in Defense Michigan's Vanesa Mladenovic

Vanesa Mladenovic

Director of Events
General Dynamics Land Systems

Women in Defense Michigan's Anthony Owens

Anthony Owens MBA, PMP

Director of Sponsorship
Gideon Defense, LLC

Maura Rylander

Director of Scholarship
U.S. Army DEVCOM Ground Vehicle Systems Center

Sonya Zanardelli

Director of Membership
U.S. Army CCDC Ground Vehicle Systems Center

Sue Tellier

Immediate Past President
JetCo Federal

2022 Advisors to the Board

Alyssa Tracey

Carrie Mead
U.S. Army

Elaine Taylor
Warner Norcross & Judd

Jennifer Hitchcock
Defense Acq University

Kate Melcher
Fisher House

Michelle Sullivan
U.S. Army

Patricia Sellers
GM Defense

Tuyen Skorupski
U.S. Army

Amy Courter
Azimuth Centers of Excellence

Deanna Love
U.S. Army

Elizabeth Gomez
JZB Global Solutions

Jerilynn Pintar
Suburban Bolt

Kim Bode

Misty Martin
M3 Defense

Sarah Tennant

Vicky Rad
Past President

Beth Gotthelf
Butzel Long

Derhun Sanders
U.S. Army

Helen Smith
U.S. Army

Julie Fathbrucker
RCO Engineering

Kristen Jenkins
JEM Tech Group

Nidhi Puri
Arbor Corporation

Stacey Eeman
Loc Performance

Alyssa Tracey

Amy Courter
Azimuth Centers of Excellence

Beth Gotthelf
Butzel Long

Carrie Mead
U.S. Army

Deanna Love
U.S. Army

Derhun Sanders
U.S. Army

Elaine Taylor
Warner Norcross & Judd

Elizabeth Gomez
JZB Global Solutions

Helen Smith
U.S. Army

Jennifer Hitchcock
Defense Acq University

Jerilynn Pintar
Suburban Bolt

Julie Fathbrucker
RCO Engineering

Kate Melcher
Fisher House

Kim Bode

Kristen Jenkins
JEM Tech Group

Michelle Sullivan
U.S. Army

Misty Martin
M3 Defense

Nidhi Puri
Arbor Corporation

Patricia Sellers
GM Defense

Sarah Tennant

Stacey Eeman
Loc Performance

Tuyen Skorupski
U.S. Army

Vicky Rad
Past President

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